Keep Your Pets Safe During Cold Weather

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It feels like it has been winter for an eternity, but we still have several weeks of cold to go! Make sure you are being the best caregiver you can be and follow the tips below.


GENERAL WELLNESS: Has your pet had an examination by a veterinarian recently? Cold weather can worsen some medical conditions. Arthritis flare up makes pets sore and achy which can cause irritability. Pets with kidney disease, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, diabetes, or skin issues have a higher risk of developing hypothermia. Knowing what is going on medically can help you prepare and know what to look for.

KNOW YOUR PET: Just like people, pets’ cold tolerance can vary from pet to pet based on their coat, body fat stores, previous exposure to cold weather, activity level, and health. Walks should be shortened or eliminated to protect you both from weather-associated health risks. Arthritic and elderly pets have more difficulty walking on snow and ice and can cause them to slip and fall. Long-haired or thick-coated dogs tend to be more cold-tolerant, but are still very much at risk in cold weather. Short-haired pets feel cold faster because they have less protection, short-legged pets may become cold faster because their bodies are closer to the cold ground. Flat nosed (brachycephalic) dogs have shortened noses, which prevents air from warming up before reaching their lungs. This can lead to respiratory distress due to their already narrowed airways becoming more constricted. If you need help determining your pet’s temperature limits, consult your veterinarian.

JUST STAY INSIDE: It’s the easiest way to keep everyone safe! A common belief is that dogs and cats are more resistant than people to cold weather because of their fur, but it’s mostly untrue. Animals are just as susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia as humans. Ears, noses, tails, legs, paws, and genitals are just as sensitive as the human equivalent. Longer-haired and thick-coated dog breeds, such as huskies and other dogs bred for colder climates, are more tolerant of cold weather; but no dog should ever be left outside for long periods in frigid weather.

SLAP YOUR CAR: A warm vehicle engine can be an appealing heat source for outdoor and feral cats, but it can have deadly consequences. Check underneath your car, bang on the hood, and honk the horn before starting the engine to encourage hitchhikers to abandon their roost under the hood.

CHECK THEIR TOE BEANS: Examine the bottom of your dog’s paws frequently for signs of injury. De-icer, sharp ice/snow, and the cold can cause abrasions and cracked bleeding skin. The fur between their toes can form ice balls which are uncomfortable and can cause damage if not removed.

DRESS UP TIME: Consider a sweater or coat. Don’t have a dog specific one? There are some ingenious “hacks” on the internet to turn human clothes into dog ones. Wet sweaters or coats will make your dog colder so do not use them unless completely dry. Some caregivers also use booties to protect their dog’s feet; if you choose to use them, make sure they fit properly.

WIPE ‘EM DOWN: While on a potty break, your dog’s feet, legs and belly may pick up de-icing products, antifreeze, or other chemicals that could be toxic. When you get back inside, wipe down (or wash) your pet’s feet, legs and belly to remove these chemicals and reduce the risk that your dog will be poisoned after they lick them off of their feet or fur. You can also track these things in on your shoes so wipe the soles down as well. Its better to be safe than sorry! Use pet-safe de-icers to protect your pets and the others in your neighborhood.

IDENTIFICATION: Many pets become lost in winter because snow and ice can hide recognizable scents that might normally help your pet find their way back home. Make sure your pet has a well-fitting collar with up-to-date identification and contact information. A microchip is a more permanent means of identification, but it is critical that you keep your contact information up-to-date in the microchip registry database.

LEAVE THEM HOME: Hot cars are a known threat to pets, but cold cars also pose significant risk to your pet’s health. Cars becomes an oven in hot weather very quickly. In cold weather they cool down just as rapidly becoming like a refrigerator!

PREVENT ACCIDENTAL POISONING: Clean up any antifreeze spills quickly, and keep the containers away from pets. Even a small amount of antifreeze can be deadly. Also keep your pet away from de-icers or areas where de-icers have been used, as these can make your pet sick if swallowed.

PET PROOFING: Odds are your pet will be spending more time inside during the winter months, so it’s a great time to make sure your house is properly pet-proofed. Use space heaters with caution around pets, because they can cause burns, have cords that can be chewed, or they can be knocked over, potentially starting a fire. Check your furnace before the cold weather sets in to make sure it’s working efficiently, and install carbon monoxide detectors to keep your entire family safe from harm. If you use a kennel or crate, make sure it is away from drafts.

AVOID ICE:  When walking your dog, stay away from frozen ponds, lakes and other water. You don’t know if the ice will support your dog’s weight, and if your dog breaks through the ice it could be deadly. And if this happens and you try to save your dog, both of your lives will be in jeopardy.

PROVIDE SHELTER: We absolutely DO NOT condone keeping any pet outside, but if you are unable to keep your dog inside during cold weather, you MUST provide them with a warm, solid, insulated shelter against the elements. Make sure that they have unlimited access to fresh, non-frozen water. The floor of the shelter should be off of the ground to minimize heat loss and the bedding should be thick, dry and changed regularly. DO NOT USE BLANKETS. They can become damp and freeze. Only use straw (NOT HAY) which stays dry and provides insulation. The entrance to the shelter should be positioned away from prevailing winds. Space heaters and heat lamps should be avoided because of the risk of burns or fire. Heated beds and mats should also be used under supervision because they are capable of causing burns and electrocution.

ADDRESS PROBLEMS ASAP: If your pet is uncharacteristically whining, starts shivering, seems anxious, slows down or refuses to move, seems weak or in pain, has pale gums and skin, is cold to the touch, has muscle stiffness, or seems confused get them back inside immediately. Those are showing signs of hypothermia. Frostbite is harder to detect, and may not be fully recognized until a few days after the damage is done. If you suspect your pet has hypothermia or frostbite, consult your veterinarian immediately. Warming them too quickly is harmful which is why it is imperative they are seen by a medical professional.

BE PREPARED: Cold weather brings the risks of severe winter weather and power outages. Prepare a disaster/emergency kit, and include your pet in your plans. Have enough food, water and medication on hand to get through at least 5 days.

Lucas County Canine Care & Control