City of Toledo

Dog Related Ordinances

Please contact the City of Toledo for any questions related to these ordinances.

Chapter 1706 – Dogs

1706.01 Purpose

1706.011 Transfer of Ownership Certificate

1706.02 Confining, restraining, debarking dogs.

1706.03 Hearings for dog designation

1706.04 Prohibition against hindering the capture of an unregistered dog.

1706.05 Unlawful tag.

1706.06 Duties after dog bites person.

1706.07 Possession of certain dogs by convicted felons prohibited.

1706.08 Penalty for violations under chapter 1706.


1706.01. Purpose.
   The purpose of this Chapter is to insure that the City of Toledo has effective laws in place to address issues relating to dogs within Toledo’s territorial jurisdiction in a manner that is consistent with the laws of the State of Ohio.  It is the intention of this Chapter that Toledo’s law be harmonized with similar provisions of Ohio law including but not limited to Chapter 955 of the Ohio Revised Code.  To the extent that Ohio Law and the provisions of this Chapter may conflict, Ohio Law should be applied.  Unless otherwise specifically defined in this Chapter, all terms used herein shall have the same meaning as defined within Chapter 955 of the Ohio Revised Code. Compliance with the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code shall be deemed compliance with similar provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.011. Transfer of Ownership Certificate.
   (A)   As used in this section:
      (1)   (a)   “Dangerous dog” means a dog that, without provocation, and subject to division (A)(1)(b) of this section, has done any of the following:
            (i)   Caused injury, other than killing or serious injury, to any person;
            (ii)   Killed another dog;
            (iii)   Been the subject of a third or subsequent violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Toledo Municipal Code.
         (b)   “Dangerous dog” does not include a police dog that has caused injury, other than killing or serious injury, to any person or has killed another dog while the police dog is being used to assist one or more law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties.
      (2)   “Menacing fashion” means that a dog would cause any person being chased or approached to reasonably believe that the dog will cause physical injury to that person.
      (3)   (a) Subject to division (A)(3)(b) of this section, “nuisance dog” means a dog that without provocation and while off the premises of its owner, keeper, or harborer has chased or approached a person in either a menacing fashion or an apparent attitude of attack or has attempted to bite or otherwise endanger any person.
         (b)   “Nuisance dog” does not include a police dog that while being used to assist one or more law enforcement officers in the performance of official duties has chased or approached a person in either a menacing fashion or an apparent attitude of attack or has attempted to bite or otherwise endanger any person.
      (4)   “Police dog” means a dog that has been trained, and may be used, to assist one or more law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties.
      (5)   “Serious injury” means any of the following:
         (a)   Any physical harm that carries a substantial risk of death;
         (b)   Any physical harm that involves a permanent incapacity, whether partial or total, or a temporary, substantial incapacity;
         (c)   Any physical harm that involves a permanent disfigurement or a temporary, serious disfigurement;
         (d)   Any physical harm that involves acute pain of a duration that results in substantial suffering or any degree of prolonged or intractable pain.
      (6)   (a) “Vicious dog” means a dog that, without provocation and subject to division (A)(6)(b) of this section, has killed or caused serious injury to any person.
         (b)   “Vicious dog” does not include either of the following:
            (i)   A police dog that has killed or caused serious injury to any person while the police dog is being used to assist one or more law enforcement officers in the performance of their official duties;
            (ii)   A dog that has killed or caused serious injury to any person while a person was committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal offense on the property of the owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog.
      (7)   “Without provocation” means that a dog was not teased, tormented, or abused by a person, or that the dog was not coming to the aid or the defense of a person who was not engaged in illegal or criminal activity and who was not using the dog as a means of carrying out such activity.
   (B)   Upon the transfer of ownership of any dog, the seller of the dog shall give the buyer a transfer of ownership certificate as provided by the Ohio Revised Code that shall be signed by the seller. The certificate shall contain the registration number of the dog, the name of the seller, and a brief description of the dog. Blank forms of the certificate may be obtained from the county auditor. A transfer of ownership shall be recorded by the auditor upon presentation of a transfer of ownership certificate that is signed by the former owner of a dog and that is accompanied by a fee of five dollars.
   (C)   Prior to the transfer of ownership or possession of any dog, upon the buyer’s or other transferee’s request, the seller or other transferor of the dog shall give to the person a written notice relative to the behavior and propensities of the dog.
   (D)   Within ten days after the transfer of ownership or possession of any dog, if the seller or other transferor of the dog has knowledge that the dog is a dangerous dog, the seller or other transferor shall give to the buyer or other transferee, the board of health for the district in which the buyer or other transferee resides, and the dog warden of the county in which the buyer or other transferee resides, a completed copy of a written form on which the seller shall furnish the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the buyer or other transferee of the dog;
      (2)   The age, sex, color, breed, and current registration number of the dog.
      In addition, the seller shall answer the following questions, which shall be specifically stated on the form as follows:
         “Has the dog ever chased or attempted to attack or bite a person? If yes, describe the incident(s) in which the behavior occurred.”
         “Has the dog ever bitten a person? If yes, describe the incident(s) in which the behavior occurred.”
         “Has the dog ever seriously injured or killed a person? If yes, describe the incident(s) in which the behavior occurred.”
         The dog warden of the county in which the seller resides shall furnish the form to the seller at no cost as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.
   (E)   No seller or other transferor of a dog shall fail to comply with the applicable requirements of divisions (B) to (D) of this section.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.02.  Confining, restraining, debarking dogs.
   (A)   As used in this section, “dangerous dog” has the same meaning as in section 1706.011 of the Toledo Municipal Code.
   (B)   No owner, keeper, or harborer of any female dog shall permit it to go beyond the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer at any time the dog is in heat unless the dog is properly in leash.
   (C)   Except when a dog is lawfully engaged in hunting and accompanied by the owner, keeper, harborer, or handler of the dog, no owner, keeper, or harborer of any dog shall fail at any time to do either of the following:
      (1)   Keep the dog physically confined or restrained upon the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer by a leash, tether, adequate fence, supervision, or secure enclosure to prevent escape;
      (2)   Keep the dog under the reasonable control of some person.
   (D)   Except when a dangerous dog is lawfully engaged in hunting or training for the purpose of hunting and is accompanied by the owner, keeper, harborer, or handler of the dog, no owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do either of the following:
      (1)   While that dog is on the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer, securely confine it at all times in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard, or other locked enclosure that has a top;
      (2)   While that dog is off the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer, keep that dog on a chain-link leash or tether that is not more than six feet in length and additionally do at least one of the following:
         (a)   Keep that dog in a locked pen that has a top, locked fenced yard, or other locked enclosure that has a top;
         (b)   Have the leash or tether controlled by a person who is of suitable age and discretion or securely attach, tie, or affix the leash or tether to the ground or a stationary object or fixture so that the dog is adequately restrained and station such a person in close enough proximity to that dog so as to prevent it from causing injury to any person;
         (c)   Muzzle that dog.
   (E)   No person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to three or more violations of division (C) of this section involving the same dog and no owner, keeper, or harborer of a dangerous dog shall fail to do the following:
      (1)   Obtain liability insurance with an insurer authorized to write liability insurance in this state providing coverage in each occurrence because of damage or bodily injury to or death of a person caused by the dangerous dog if so ordered by a court and provide proof of that liability insurance upon request to any law enforcement officer, county dog warden, or public health official charged with enforcing this section;
      (2)   Obtain a dangerous dog registration certificate from the county auditor pursuant to division (I) of this section, affix a tag that identifies the dog as a dangerous dog to the dog’s collar, and ensure that the dog wears the collar and tag at all times;
      (3)   Notify the local dog warden immediately if any of the following occurs:
         (a)   The dog is loose or unconfined.
         (b)   The dog bites a person, unless the dog is on the property of the owner of the dog, and the person who is bitten is unlawfully trespassing or committing a criminal act within the boundaries of that property.
         (c)   The dog attacks another animal while the dog is off the property of the owner of the dog.
      (4)   If the dog is sold, given to another person, or dies, notify the county auditor within ten days of the sale, transfer, or death.
   (F)   The following conduct shall be considered to constitute a public nuisance:
      (1)   Permitting any dog to be running at large. In the event a dog is captured running at large, upon conviction the Court may order the dog(s) spayed or neutered at owner’s expense.  Additionally, if an unlicensed dog is captured more than once while running at large, the dog may be spayed or neutered, at the owner’s expense as a condition of return to the owner and/or keeper. Notwithstanding the foregoing if any owner, keeper or harborer can provide written documentation from a licensed veterinarian that the dog has a condition which would make spaying or neutering dangerous to the dog’s health, said condition may be waived;
      (2)   Permitting a dog to trespass upon property of another;
      (3)   Failing to comply with requirements of this Chapter or Ohio Revised Code Chapter 955 that apply to the keeping of a dog which has been determined to pose a threat to the public safety;
      (4)   Permitting a dog in season (estrus) to be accessible to a male dog not in the person’s ownership except for intentional breeding purposes;
      (5)   Permitting any dog unreasonably to cause annoyance, alarm or noise disturbance to any person or neighborhood by barking, whining, screeching, howling, or other like sounds which may be heard beyond the boundary of the owner, keeper or harborer’s property under conditions wherein the animal sounds are shown to have occurred either as an episode of continuous noise lasting for a minimum period of fifteen (15) minutes, or repeated episodes of intermittent noise lasting for a minimum period of thirty (30) minutes. It shall be an affirmative defense under this subsection that the animal was intentionally provoked by a party other than the owner to make such noise.
      (6)     Leaving a dog unattended for more than 24 consecutive hours; or to otherwise abandon.
      (7)   Depriving a dog of proper facilities or care. Proper shelter must provide protection from the weather and be maintained in a condition to protect the animal from injury;
      (8)     Physically mistreating any dog either by abuse, neglect, mistreatment or failure to provide necessary sustenance;
      (9)   Permitting any dog to leave the confines of any quarantine area prescribed in accordance with Revised Code Section 955.26;
      (10)   Permitting any dog to be tethered while unattended for more than thirty (30) minutes.  Each dog shall be tethered separately. No dog shall be tethered outdoors in excess of thirty (30) minutes at any one time unless the dog’s owner, keeper or harborer is present in the yard where the dog is tethered. The tether shall be at least five times the length of the dog’s body as measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, terminates at each end with a swivel snap, weighs no more than one-eighth of the dog’s weight, is free of tangles, prevents strangulation or injury and prevents the dog from being within ten (10) feet from the edge of any public street, alley, sidewalk or other right of way. No dog shall be tethered for any length of time while the owner, keeper or harborer is not present on the premises.
      (11)   Permitting any dog to be tethered within 500 feet of a school within one hour before commencement of the school day or within one hour of the end of the school day or other times in which children would reasonably be expected to be traveling to and from the school.
      (12)   Confining a dog in a motor vehicle under any conditions that may endanger the well being of the dog.
      (13)   Utilizing a dog as a weapon in the commission of any crime, including the use of a dog to intentionally harass, menace or intimidate any person.
      (14)   Permitting a dog, without provocation, to bite or otherwise inflict serious injury to a person or companion animal.
   (G)   The Toledo Area Humane Society shall have full and concurrent enforcement authority as to Sections 1706.02(F)(6), (7), (8), (10) and (12).
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.03. Hearings for dog designation.
   (A)   As provided by Ohio Revised Code Section 955.222 the municipal court or county court that has territorial jurisdiction over the residence of the owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog shall conduct any hearing concerning the designation of the dog as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog.
   (B)   If a person who is authorized to enforce this Chapter has reasonable cause to believe that a dog in the person’s jurisdiction is a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog, the person shall notify the owner, keeper, or harborer of that dog, by certified mail or in person, of both of the following:
      (1)   That the person has designated the dog a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog, as applicable;
      (2)   That the owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog may request a hearing regarding the designation in accordance with this section. The notice shall include instructions for filing a request for a hearing in the county in which the dog’s owner, keeper, or harborer resides.
   (C)   If the owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog disagrees with the designation of the dog as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog, as applicable, the owner, keeper, or harborer, not later than ten days after receiving notification of the designation, may request a hearing regarding the determination. The request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall be filed with the municipal court or county court that has territorial jurisdiction over the residence of the dog’s owner, keeper, or harborer. At the hearing, the person who designated the dog as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog has the burden of proving, by clear and convincing evidence, that the dog is a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog.
   The owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog or the person who designated the dog as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog may appeal the court’s final determination as in any other case filed in that court.
   (D)   A court, upon motion of an owner, keeper, or harborer or an attorney representing the owner, keeper, or harborer, may order that the dog designated as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog be held in the possession of the owner, keeper, or harborer until the court makes a final determination under this section or during the pendency of an appeal, as applicable. Until the court makes a final determination and during the pendency of any appeal, the dog shall be confined or restrained in accordance with the provisions of division (D) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that apply to dangerous dogs regardless of whether the dog has been designated as a vicious dog or a nuisance dog rather than a dangerous dog. The owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog shall not be required to comply with any other requirements established in the Municipal Code that concern a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog, as applicable, until the court makes a final determination and during the pendency of any appeal.
   (E)   If a dog is finally determined under this section, or on appeal as described in this section, to be a vicious dog, division (D) of section 1706.011 and divisions (D) to (E) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code apply with respect to the dog and the owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog as if the dog were a dangerous dog, and section 1706.07 of the Municipal Code applies with respect to the dog as if it were a dangerous dog, and the court shall issue an order that specifies that those provisions apply with respect to the dog and the owner, keeper, or harborer in that manner. As part of the order, the court shall require the owner, keeper, or harborer to obtain the liability insurance required under division (E)(1) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code.
   (F)   As used in this section, “nuisance dog,” “dangerous dog,” and “vicious dog” have the same meanings as in section 1706.011 of the Municipal Code.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.04. Prohibition against hindering the capture of an unregistered dog.
   No person shall obstruct or interfere with anyone lawfully engaged in capturing an unregistered dog or making an examination of a dog wearing a tag.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.05. Unlawful tag.
   No person shall own, keep, or harbor a dog wearing a fictitious, altered, or invalid registration tag or a registration tag not issued by the county auditor in connection with the registration of such animal.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.06. Duties after dog bites person.
   (A)   (1)   No person shall remove a dog that has bitten any person from the county in which the bite occurred until a quarantine period as specified in division (B) of this section has been completed. No person shall transfer a dog that has bitten any person until a quarantine period as specified in division (B) of this section has been completed, except that a person may transfer the dog to the county dog warden or to any other animal control authority.
      (2)   (a) Subject to division (A)(2)(b) of this section, no person shall kill a dog that has bitten any person until a quarantine period as specified in division (B) of this section has been completed.
         (b)   Division (A)(2)(a) of this section does not apply to the killing of a dog in order to prevent further injury or death or if the dog is diseased or seriously injured.
      (3)   No person who has killed a dog that has bitten any person in order to prevent further injury or death or if the dog is diseased or seriously injured shall fail to do both of the following:
         (a)   Immediately after the killing of the dog, notify the board of health for the district in which the bite occurred of the facts relative to the bite and the killing;
         (b)   Hold the body of the dog until that board of health claims it to perform tests for rabies.
   (B)   The quarantine period for a dog that has bitten any person shall be ten days or another period that the board of health for the district in which the bite occurred determines is necessary to observe the dog for rabies.
   (C)   (1)   To enable persons to comply with the quarantine requirements specified in divisions (A) and (B) of this section, boards of health shall make provision for the quarantine of individual dogs under the circumstances described in those divisions as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.
      (2)   Upon the receipt of a notification pursuant to division (A)(3) of this section that a dog that has bitten any person has been killed, the board of health for the district in which the bite occurred shall claim the body of the dog from its killer and then perform tests on the body for rabies.
   (D)   This section does not apply to a police dog that has bitten a person while the police dog is under the care of a licensed veterinarian or has bitten a person while the police dog is being used for law enforcement, corrections, prison or jail security, or investigative purposes. If, after biting a person, a police dog exhibits any abnormal behavior, the law enforcement agency and law enforcement officer the police dog assists, within a reasonable time after the person is bitten, shall make the police dog available for the board of health for the district in which the bite occurred to perform tests for rabies.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.07. Possession of certain dogs by convicted felons prohibited.
   (A)   No person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony offense of violence committed on or after the effective date of this section or a felony violation of the Ohio Revised Code committed on or after the effective date of this section shall knowingly own, possess, have custody of, or reside in a residence with either of the following for a period of three years commencing either upon the date of release of the person from any period of incarceration imposed for the offense or violation or, if the person is not incarcerated for the offense or violation, upon the date of the person’s final release from the other sanctions imposed for the offense or violation:
      (1)   An unspayed or unneutered dog older than twelve weeks of age;
      (2)   Any dog that has been determined to be a dangerous dog under Section 1706.01 of the Municipal Code.
   (B)   A person described in division (A) of this section shall microchip for permanent identification any dog owned, possessed by, or in the custody of the person.
   (C)   (1)   Division (A) of this section does not apply to any person who is confined in a correctional institution of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
      (2)   Division (A) of this section does not apply to any person with respect to any dog that the person owned, possessed, had custody of, or resided in a residence with prior to the effective date of this section.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.) 

1706.08. Penalty for violations under chapter 1706.
   (A)   (1)   Whoever violates division (E) of section 1706.011 of the Municipal Code because of a failure to comply with division (B) of that section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
      (2)   Whoever violates division (E) of section 1706.011 of the Municipal Code because of a failure to comply with division (C) or (D) of that section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on each subsequent offense.
   (B)   Whoever violates section 1706.04 or 1706.05 of the Municipal Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
   (C)   Whoever violates section 1706.06 of the Municipal Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on each subsequent offense.
   (D)   (1)   Whoever violates section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a dog that is not a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars or more than one hundred dollars on a first offense, and on each subsequent offense shall be fined not less than seventy-five dollars or more than two hundred fifty dollars and may be imprisoned for not more than thirty days.
      (2)   In addition to the penalties prescribed in division (E)(1) of this section, if the offender is guilty of a violation of division (B) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code or a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a dog that is not a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog, the court may order the offender to personally supervise the dog that the offender owns, keeps, or harbors, to cause that dog to complete dog obedience training, or to do both.
   (E)   (1)   Whoever commits a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a nuisance dog is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on the first offense and of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on each subsequent offense involving the same dog. Upon a person being convicted of or pleading guilty to a third violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of this Chapter involving the same dog, the court shall require the offender to register the involved dog as a dangerous dog.
      (2)   In addition to the penalties prescribed in division (F)(1) of this section, if a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of this Chapter involves a nuisance dog, the court may order the offender to personally supervise the nuisance dog that the offender owns, keeps, or harbors, to cause that dog to complete dog obedience training, or to do both.
   (F)   Whoever commits a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a dangerous dog or a violation of division (D) of that section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on a first offense and of a misdemeanor of the third degree on each subsequent offense. Additionally, the court may order the offender to personally supervise the dangerous dog that the offender owns, keeps, or harbors, to cause that dog to complete dog obedience training, or to do both, and the court may order the offender to obtain liability insurance pursuant to division (E) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code. The court, in the alternative, may order the dangerous dog to be humanely destroyed by a licensed veterinarian, the county dog warden, or the county humane society at the owner’s expense. With respect to a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a dangerous dog, until the court makes a final determination and during the pendency of any appeal of a violation of that division and at the discretion of the dog warden, the dog shall be confined or restrained in accordance with division (D) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code or at the county dog pound at the owner’s expense.
   (G)   (1)   Whoever commits a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code that involves a vicious dog is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree if the dog causes serious injury to a person. Additionally, the court may order the vicious dog to be humanely destroyed by a licensed veterinarian, the county dog warden, the county humane society at the owner’s expense.  If the dog kills a person, the owner shall be charged under State law.
      (2)   If the court does not order the vicious dog to be destroyed under division (F) of this section, the court shall issue an order that specifies that division (D) of section 1706.02 and divisions (D) to (E) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code apply with respect to the dog and the owner, keeper, or harborer of the dog as if the dog were a dangerous dog.  As part of the order, the court shall order the offender to obtain the liability insurance required under division (E)(1) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code in an amount, exclusive of interest and costs, that equals or exceeds one hundred thousand dollars. Until the court makes a final determination and during the pendency of any appeal of a violation of division (C) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code and at the discretion of the dog warden, the dog shall be confined or restrained in accordance with the Municipal Code or at the county dog pound at the owner’s expense.
   (H)   Whoever violates division (E)(2) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
   (I)   Whoever violates division (E)(1), (3), or (4) of section 1706.02 of the Municipal Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
   (J)   Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of section 1706.07 of the Municipal Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
   (K)   (1)   If a dog is confined at the county dog pound pursuant to this section, the county dog warden shall give written notice of the confinement to the owner of the dog. If the county dog warden is unable to give the notice to the owner of the dog, the county dog warden shall post the notice on the door of the residence of the owner of the dog or in another conspicuous place on the premises at which the dog was seized. The notice shall include a statement that a security in the amount of one hundred dollars is due to the county dog warden within ten days to secure payment of all reasonable expenses, including medical care and boarding of the dog for sixty days, expected to be incurred by the county dog pound in caring for the dog pending the determination. The county dog warden may draw from the security any actual costs incurred in caring for the dog.
      (2)   If the person ordered to post security under division (K)(1) of this section does not do so within ten days of the confinement of the animal, the dog is forfeited, and the county dog warden may determine the disposition of the dog unless the court issues an order that specifies otherwise.
      (3)   Not more than ten days after the court makes a final determination under division (F), (G), or (H) of this section, the county dog warden shall provide the owner of the dog with the actual cost of the confinement of the dog. If the county dog warden finds that the security provided under division (K)(1) of this section is less than the actual cost of confinement of the dog, the owner shall remit the difference between the security provided and the actual cost to the county dog warden within thirty days after the court’s determination. If the county dog warden finds that the security provided under division (K)(1) of this section is greater than that actual cost, the county dog warden shall remit the difference between the security provided and the actual cost to the owner within thirty days after the court’s determination.
   (L)   As used in this section, “nuisance dog,” “dangerous dog,” and “vicious dog” have the same meanings as in section 1706.011 of the Municipal Code.
(Ord. 234-13. Passed 5-14-13.)
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